Manage Challenges in the Retail & Trading Industry with an ERP System
Organisations in the retail and trading industry rely on innovation and the ability to manage change as a key to success. There is constant pressure on margins, fluidity to global supply chains, challenges with cross border shipments, strains on material availability and imperatives around controlling cost and meeting the traceability requirements of their customers. Odoo helps streamline every process from operations, finance, procurement, stocks to sales – efficiently maintaining business operations, ensuring quality, tracking costs and accounting, facilitating the inventories and managing the supply chain. Companies consistently need to invest in and adopt the latest technologies in the market to ensure improved customer service, high turnover rate and less operational costs.
Odoo One ERP Software – Key Functionality for Retail & Trading
Inventory and Branch Management
Inventory module simplifies the tracking of stock levels and landed costing across multiple sites. Users are enabled to issue and receive goods as well as transfer, return or even discard of goods in multiple unit conversions. Transactions from multiple branches are visibly centrally to improve controls and decision making.
Demand and Material Requirement Planning
It allows the businesses to plan the timely delivery. Allows you to maintain location wise safety and re-order levels ensuring your locations neither understocked nor over stocked and in turn reducing cost of holding stock. A forecast can be generated from historical data, amended and planning done allowing you to get the right quantity at the right time.
Purchasing and Supply Chain Monitoring
Delivers real-time information supply, demand, distribution, and logistics. Have greater, real-time insight into sales trends and supply bottlenecks while eliminating siloed data by ensuring purchase orders are delivered within defined lead times.
Sales, Promotions, Loyalty and POS
Sales module covers the processes of sales booking, sales order, and delivery. Different pricing and promotions can be managed along with custom loyalty points management. This module is linked with the inventory module so inventory levels are updated after every successful sale. The integrated POS system ensures timely sales order billing.
Accounting module helps users in keeping track of all their accounting transactions and enables them to make better decisions. Improved financial reporting with real-time information from all departments including costing, profitability, credit exposure, cash flow, trends, budgeting, fixed assets and period end reporting.
Customer Relationship Management
Stay ahead of competitors with opportunity and pipeline management, customer relationship management and campaign management. Historical sales information assists the marketing team on what initiatives to design for which customer and proactively engage them. Customer account information is critical to predict demand.
Analytics module can play a vital role in transforming your data into powerful decision making tools. With AI-based predictive analytics, this module can help in employing the right procedures to improve efficiency and productivity. The provision of complex metrics in the form of data visualizations can also help users in making better decisions.
Regulatory Compliance and Reporting
Manage exceptional events with automated workflow and alerts. Get forward and reverse traceability with automated recall capabilities. Have security audit tracking, archives of historical transactions & electronic signature approvals. Easily define the process validation and generate report as per compliance.
Omnichannel shopping
The pandemic has accelerated the shift to online and omnichannel shopping for CPG customers – and this behaviour is here to stay. Companies need to provide their own seamless omnichannel experiences direct to consumers by investing in e-commerce, data management, marketing, and omnichannel fulfilment solutions.
Customer Stories – See how Customers are Succeeding
Read and hear more about the value that customers have seen